Multilogin and Incogniton: Which One is Better?

Multilogin and Incogniton: Which One is Better?

Anti-detect browsers can serve as a useful tool for lawful users aiming to boost their online privacy, handle multiple accounts with ease, access content restricted to specific regions, and more! These specialized programs are crafted to conceal your digital presence and establish distinct browsing environments. This article will explore the top two anti-detect choices, Multilogin and Incogniton, comparing their key features to determine the better option.

Data Security and Device Compatibility

To begin, let’s assess and compare the privacy and security provided by the two anti-detect browsers.


Multilogin takes strong measures to keep your data safe. It uses a high-level security system and a hashing algorithm to protect your password, ensuring it’s unreadable and secure, even on their servers. Only you have access to your account.

Additionally, Multilogin uses the AES cipher to encrypt your account data. Each session receives extra protection with your master password before being stored in the cloud. This double encryption makes sure that your online activities stay private.

If you decide to stop using Multilogin, your data won’t stick around for long. Everything is automatically deleted within 3 months of closing your account.


Incogniton is committed to transparency by clearly stating in their privacy policy the information it collects, such as email addresses, usernames, and voluntarily provided browser details. This data is processed for legitimate business purposes, ensuring the proper functioning and protection of Incogniton’s services.

It prioritizes data security through strong organizational and technical measures, but it acknowledges the inherent risks of online data transmission. Despite taking precautions, it openly recognizes the possibility of a cyberattack, emphasizing the impossibility of achieving 100% security online. While this honesty may not provide complete comfort, it underscores Incogniton’s dedication to transparency and setting realistic expectations regarding data protection.

Device Compatibility

Multilogin has broader compatibility, supporting various operating systems such as: 

  • Windows 11, 10
  • Server 2016
  • macOS Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, and
  • Linux Ubuntu 22, 20, and 18. 

On the other hand, Incogniton provides more straightforward support, covering:

  • macOS, and 
  • Windows.

Pricing Breakdown

Now, let’s examine the pricing of Multilogin and Incogniton anti-detect browsers.


  • Plans: Solo, Team, Scale
  • Price: €99/month, €199/month, €399/month
  • Features:
    • Mimic and Stealthfox browsers
    • Custom browser fingerprints
    • Proxy integration and verification
    • Open API and knowledge center
    • Browser automation with Playwright/Selenium/Puppeteer
    • 24/7 support
    • Payment: Cryptocurrency, PayPal, credit cards
    • Annual Discount: 25%


  • Plans: Starter, Entrepreneur, Professional, Multinational
  • Price: Free, $29.99/month, $79.99/month, $149.99/month
  • Features:
    • Up to 500 browser profiles (depending on plan)
    • Selenium/Puppeteer integration (paid plans)
    • Premium support (paid plans)
    • API access (paid plans)
    • Cookie collector (paid plans)
    • Profile transfer and restore (paid plans)
    • Payment: PayPal, credit cards, cryptocurrencies
    • Bi-annual Discount: 30%

Key Differences:

  • Multilogin has more features but is pricier.
  • Incogniton offers a free plan and more affordable paid plans.
  • Multilogin supports a wider range of payment methods.
  • Incogniton provides a larger discount for longer billing periods.

The best choice depends on your budget and requirements. If you need extensive features and are willing to pay, Multilogin is the better option. For those on a budget or requiring fewer features, Incogniton is the more suitable choice.

Additional Features

Multilogin tailors pricing to individual needs, whereas Incogniton offers a free trial to attract users. Incogniton also makes profile migration easier with a bulk import and export feature. Moreover, Incogniton provides discounted proxy options, including mobile, residential, and datacenter, a feature currently absent in Multilogin.

Anti-Fingerprinting Technology: Overview

Effective anti-detect browsers rely on robust anti-fingerprinting technology as their foundation. The more advanced this technology, the better it shields against online tracking and identification.

Multilogin takes the lead by introducing custom browsers like Mimic and Stealthfox. These specialized browsers empower users to craft distinct and untraceable fingerprints for each profile, enhancing resistance against online tracking and identification.

Although Incogniton doesn’t offer custom browsers, it provides reasonable anti-fingerprinting capabilities. However, there may be some inconsistencies in its implementation that could raise concerns about potential detection. Nevertheless, with careful use and appropriate settings, Incogniton remains a practical choice for users seeking basic anti-fingerprinting protection.

Customize Online Fingerprint

Both Multilogin and Incogniton allow users to create distinct browser fingerprints for their anti-detect requirements.


Multilogin provides extensive customization through its “Advanced browser profile settings.” Users can adjust various parameters to appear as different individuals online. These parameters include:

  • Time zones: Pick from various locations to conceal your actual time zone.
  • Geolocation: Set your virtual location anywhere globally.
  • Media devices: Simulate the presence of specific audio and video devices.
  • Potentially vulnerable browser plugins: Manage the visibility of plugins that might reveal your identity.
  • Active session lock: Prevent unauthorized access to your profiles.
  • Google services: Control access to Google services for increased anonymity.
  • Custom DNS: Specify custom DNS servers for greater control over your online traffic.
  • Port scan protection: Shield your profiles from potential port scanning attacks.


Incogniton also provides a robust set of fingerprint customization options. Users can personalize their profiles by adjusting the following parameters:

  • Device model: Mimic the specific model of your device.
  • Operating system: Choose a different operating system to appear as another user.
  • Browser version: Simulate a different browser version for added anonymity.
  • Timezone: Set your virtual location to match your desired time zone.
  • Installed plugins: Control the visibility of installed browser plugins.
  • Additional parameters: Customize various other settings to fine-tune your profile.

These customization options provide users with a powerful tool to craft unique and convincing online identities, enhancing their privacy and security in the digital landscape.

User Experience and Reviews

Incogniton stands out with a more user-friendly and beginner-friendly interface compared to Multilogin. It offers features that simplify navigation and workload, including a bulk profile creator for generating multiple profiles simultaneously.

Multilogin Review Platforms

Trustpilot: 4.4 stars based on 68 reviews. Praised for product quality and customer support. Complaints mainly focused on billing, invoice management, IP leakage, and bugs.

G2: 4.8 stars based on 14 reviews. Positive feedback overall, but recent reviews highlight unresolved billing system issues.

Incogniton Review Platforms:

Trustpilot: 3.7 stars based on a few reviews. Praised for customer support and free trial, criticized for dissatisfaction with the service.

Use Cases

Both Multilogin and Incogniton serve similar purposes:

  1. Web scraping & automation: Extracting data across industries like e-commerce, real estate, digital marketing, and finance (Multilogin) or for diverse fields like affiliate marketing, web development, and journalism (Incogniton).
  1. Multi-account management: Managing social media accounts and other online profiles across various industries.
  1. Anonymous browsing: Enhancing privacy and protecting against online tracking.

To summarize, Incogniton excels in user-friendliness and bulk profile creation, while Multilogin has the advantage in comprehensive features and extensive use cases.

Wrapping Up

While both Multilogin and Incogniton excel in managing multiple accounts and automating web tasks, their distinctions become evident in various aspects. Incogniton stands out as the more budget-friendly choice, offering a free trial, whereas Multilogin comes at a higher cost due to its advanced features. 

In terms of compatibility, Multilogin accommodates a wider range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, while Incogniton currently focuses on Windows and macOS. Regarding security measures, Multilogin emphasizes robust data security through advanced encryption and hashing algorithms, while Incogniton prioritizes simplicity and transparency, acknowledging the inherent challenges in achieving complete security. 

Incogniton’s user-friendly interface and free trial make it accessible for beginners, whereas Multilogin demands greater technical proficiency and may encounter occasional bugs. Customer experiences vary, with mixed reviews for Multilogin, including praise for quality and support but criticism for billing issues and IP leaks. In contrast, limited reviews for Incogniton express a positive sentiment towards support and the free trial, while also noting potential service inconsistencies. 

To sum it up, Incogniton is recommended for those seeking a budget-friendly, user-friendly option for basic needs, while Multilogin is a premium, comprehensive tool with robust data security and advanced features, suitable for advanced users. Ultimately, the best choice depends on individual priorities and budget considerations.

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