Ethical Proxies

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The Ethical issue of Botnets/SDK

In contrast, a significant portion (around 99.9%) of proxy providers source their IPs through botnets/SDKs, a practice that raises substantial ethical concerns. Botnets typically operate by embedding SDKs in “partner” applications, compensating developers to include these SDKs in their apps. Consequently, users of these apps, upon agreeing to the terms of service, unknowingly contribute their device’s IP address to the proxy provider’s pool.

The ethical dilemma arises from the fact that most users do not thoroughly read the terms of service before installing apps. Thus, the majority is unaware that their devices and data plans are being utilized by a proxy company. Providers using botnets argue this practice is ethical since users have technically agreed to the terms. However, this justification overlooks the crucial aspect of informed consent, as the lack of transparency fails to ensure users are truly aware of how their devices are being used.

This is also why the big app stores, like Google Play and the Apple App Store, almost don’t allow apps with these SDKs.

See below how the Botnets/SDKs are structured:


The Ethical Edge of Raw Mobile Proxies

Raw mobile proxies represent a paradigm shift in how proxy services operate. Unlike traditional methods, these proxies utilize real mobile phones or proprietary hardware to route traffic. This crucial difference lies in the ownership of the hardware or devices, which are fully owned by the company providing the proxy services. This direct ownership model ensures a transparent and ethical foundation, as there is no reliance on third-party devices without explicit consent.

This is where The Social Proxy distinguishes itself, by maintaining full ownership of all hardware and devices.


Why You Should Care

For anyone whose device is being used by a botnet/SDKs:

The implications of unwittingly being part of a proxy network extend beyond mere participation. These networks pose a security threat. Furthermore, this involuntary participation grants third parties access to your network, uses your bandwidth—which could incur costs or affect quotas—and could tie your IP address to unwanted activities,possibly complicating personal and professional situations.

For Proxy Users:

For those utilizing proxy services, it’s crucial to consider the ethical implications of your chosen provider. Aligning with services that exploit devices without explicit owner knowledge skirts ethical boundaries and abuses trust. It’s essential to question whether you want to support or not such practices.


The digital realm demands not only innovation but also ethical responsibility. Raw mobile proxies emerge as a beacon of ethical practice in the proxy service industry, offering a transparent, owner-consented approach to routing traffic. As we navigate the complexities of online anonymity and data scraping, choosing ethically sound proxies becomes paramount for both individual security and collective digital integrity.

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